The Little Fish Market, Hove.

2017 - 2022

Tucked away in what once was a small fish monger shop and in between some back alleys where Brighton turns into Hove, chef-owner Duncan Ray serves a seafood-only tasting menu to a small number of privileged diners every night. The restaurant's atmosphere is intimate and calm, almost zen and too perfect I would say. But beneath that order, in a tiny kitchen, the magic happens. Duncan self-made and designed the kitchen to suit his author-led cooking style; for some reason it feels more like an artist's studio than a restaurant kitchen; It's a very tight space prescinding of the gadgetry usually found on fine dining kitchens. Here, Duncan is the only one able to cook with such precision and finesse. The quality, freshness and seasonality of the ingredients are the source of inspiration to him. 

To know what I mean, you must try to find a table at The Little Fish Market.

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